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Bioantika M- Women in STEM

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

Bioantika M. was born in Indonesia in 1999. She received her cum laude in mining engineering at age 19 and she is currently working at Vale as a Global Trainee - Junior Mining Engineer. Vale is a global leader in iron ore production and is the second-largest nickel producer in the world, with its headquarters based in Brazil. Before joining Vale, Bio was working at Xendit as COO Team Analyst; at Grab in Business Development; and at Siam Cement Group (SCG) as a Mining Engineer intern.

In 2016, during her freshman year in Mining Engineering, Bio and her team proposed a social initiative idea related to economic empowerment in Harvard WorldMUN (HWMUN) Competition in Italy and advanced to the final stage and TOP 4 presentation. Since high school, Bio has also been active in Model United Nations (MUN) and the debating club, which brought her to the World University Debating Championship (WUDC) in South Africa in 2019, where she successfully reached the semi-final for the EFL Category.

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